Kong Sez
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Main Stream Media Do Not Want You To Know This !
Kong Sez:
Why don't they want us to know this? More to the point, why aren't our so-called leaders acting to secure America's future energy needs? Can it be that they want us to turn into a third–world country? And why are they trying so hard to destroy our dollar? If they succeed, we will turn into a third–world hellhole.
Jim Powell's Global Changes & Opportunities Report
June/July 2009
Beijing is continuing to outfox Washington at every turn. It saddens me to see it. It's like watching a home basketball team lose 103 to 19.
After scoring huge contracts for oil and industrial metals in Africa, South America, and even Canada, China is now attempting to dethrone the dollar as the world's leading reserve currency.
Frankly, I don't blame the Chinese. For nearly 20 years, they accepted America's paper money in good faith for their products. Now Washington's irresponsible fiscal policies will cut the dollar's value at least in half, and probably a lot more.
A Slippery Slope
The dollar is already down a whopping 10% since March. Just this past week it fell 4% against the euro and 3% against the yen and the Canadian dollar. And the inflationary cycle hasn't even started. Everyone who accepts dollars in payment for their efforts is being cheated — pure and simple.
As I reported last month, China pressed the IMF (International Monetary Fund) to replace the dollar with the agency's Special Drawing Rights, an internal currency that can be used to settle accounts between nations. However, Washington has veto power in the IMF, so China's motion went nowhere. China got the same treatment when it asked the IMF to replace the dollar with a basket of major currencies and commodities.
A World-Class Dollar Challenge
If U.S. officials expected the Chinese would to home and lick their wounds after being rebuffed they were sadly mistaken. Instead, China is making an end run around the reserve status of the dollar by signing currency exchange contracts with individual nations.
In only 30 days, swap arrangements were established with the central banks of Argentina, Brazil, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Belarus. Meanwhile, Russia just replaced the dollar with the euro as its preferred reserve currency. Is that the sound of "Taps" I hear in the background?
The quick acceptance of China's challenge to the dollar shows now nervous the world is becoming about the greenback. If the movement snowballs -- which seems likely given its success so far -- the dollar will be demoted to second rate status no matter what Washington, the IMF, or anybody else thinks about it. It's a brilliant move by China, and it has great significance for us. Nevertheless, China's dollar strategy is being ignored by the media.
What To Do:
The proper response to the sinking dollar is to move as many of your assets out of the U.S. currency as is practical. There's no need to race for the exits. The dollar is still entrenched in world commerce and -- I think -- it is unlikely to collapse overnight. A good plan is to follow the advice given to people who are learning to defend themselves with a gun, "Take your time as fast as you can."
As to where to find refuge, I continue to think the Australian dollar looks good, as does gold, silver, and tangibles that everybody needs. Real assets can't be devalued, which is why we like them and governments don't.
Kong Sez:
Things have been gravitating toward a cataclysmic financial event. When it happens, you will start noticing changes all around...and they will be quick.
The Second Ammendment!
Learn This...Memorize This...Let It Become a Part of You! Bring It Back When The Terrible Chaos Is Over...If There Is Something To Come Back To.
In The MeantimeRun For Your Life
From now on, Folks, it's gonna get pretty rough! In fact, downright cussed. Mr. Ugly Will Show Before Long.
But For Now... Keep RunningKeep Your Purse and Scrip With You—Luke 22:36And NowGet Two Guns—Luke 22:36–38Before The New Dude Won't Let You Have Them
Times in America will change rather abruptly. Your WebMasters suggest you check your Medicine Supply/List.We Feel This Is Going To Be A Long, Hard Siege Get Prepared...Time Is Short Now... Other WebPages of Interest: Purifying Water ¦ When The Hell Breaks ¦ Gun PageGalactic Plane
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A City Being Stoned
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